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Viajando a Cuba: Todo lo que tienes que saber sobre el formulario D’VIAJEROS

Viajando a Cuba: Todo lo que tienes que saber sobre el formulario D’VIAJEROS


Si tienes planes de visitar Cuba, es crucial que te familiarices con D’VIAJEROS, la plataforma oficial que la República de Cuba ha establecido para facilitar el proceso de ingreso al país. Este sistema no solo centraliza la información de los viajeros, sino que también simplifica los trámites necesarios con los servicios migratorios, sanitarios y aduaneros.



D’VIAJEROS es una plataforma en línea que permite a los viajeros que ingresan a Cuba completar un formulario con su información personal, migratoria y de salud. Aunque originalmente fue implementado en respuesta a la pandemia de COVID-19, el formulario de viaje D’VIAJEROS ha evolucionado para convertirse en un requisito esencial para todos los visitantes de la isla.

¿Por qué es Importante Completar D'VIAJEROS?

Este formulario es un documento gubernamental cubano y obligatorio y debe ser completado dentro de las 7 dias previas a tu llegada a Cuba. Una vez finalizado, se generará un código QR que deberás presentar a tu aerolínea y a las autoridades cubanas al ingresar al país. Desde junio de 2024, si tu nacionalidad permite tramitar la Cuba eVisa, también tendrás que incluir el código de la eVisa en el formulario D’VIAJEROS para asegurar que la eVisa queda correctamente ligada a tu pasaporte, pudiendo así entrar en el país.


Consejos Previos para Completar D'VIAJEROS

  • Planifica tu tiempo: Ten en cuenta que para una persona normal, completar el formulario toma aproximadamente entre 15 y 30 minutos si tienes toda la información necesaria a mano. El formulario te solicitará datos de pasaporte, vuelos y alojamientos entre otros. Es aconsejable bloquear 30 minutos para completar el formulario en un 
  • Se permiten modificaciones: Puedes modificar el formulario tantas veces como sea necesario utilizando tu número de pasaporte y el código generado al completar el formulario.
  • No es necesario si viajas en crucero o barco: por el momento D’VIAJEROS no es aplicable si entras en Cuba por barco, ya que se requiere información de vuelo para completar el formulario. Deberás rellenar los formularios migratorios a tu llegada a Cuba.

Cuba Pink

Tourist Card

For US nationals or those departing from a US airport. Explore Cuba for up to 90 days within 180 days of issuance

Cómo Completar D'VIAJEROS: Paso a Paso

El proceso para completar el formulario D’VIAJEROS es sencillo, pero requiere atención a los detalles. A continuación te damos nuestras recomendaciones sobre cómo rellenar las distintas secciones del formulario.

1. Accede a la Plataforma:

Para comenzar, accede a la plataforma D’VIAJEROS a través de este enlace. Recomendamos tener a mano tu pasaporte, la información de tu vuelo y los detalles de tu alojamiento en Cuba antes de iniciar el formulario, ya que esto agilizará el proceso.

2. Crear o Editar un Formulario:
  • Primera vez: Si es la primera vez que utilizas D’VIAJEROS, selecciona “Crear Formulario”.
  • Editar un formulario existente: Si ya completaste el formulario pero necesitas hacer cambios, selecciona “Editar Formulario”. Podrás hacer modificaciones cuantas veces sea necesario, incluso después de la fecha original de tu viaje, siempre que no hayas utilizado el código QR para entrar a Cuba. El sistema solicitará tu número de formulario y de pasaporte para recuperar los datos ingresados en el sistema, así que recuerda apuntar el número de formulario que aparecerá al completar el proceso.
3. Secciones del Formulario D'VIAJEROS:

El formulario está dividido en cuatro secciones principales:

  • Información General del Viajero 
  • Información Migratoria
  • Información Sanitaria
  • Información de Aduanas

Veamos cada sección en detalle

3.1 Información General del Viajero

Esta sección solicita una serie de datos que están marcados como obligatorios en el formulario:

  • Nombre
  • Apellido
  • Fecha de nacimiento Género
  • País de nacimiento
  • País emisor del pasaporte con el que se viajará
  • Número de pasaporte
  • País de residencia permanente
Los campos que pueden generar dudas son:
  • País emisor del pasaporte: es el país donde te sacaste el pasaporte. Normalmente será el mismo donde vives, aunque en ocasiones puedes haber expedido el pasaporte en otro país por una necesidad puntual. Si tienes dudas, en EasyTouristCard ayudamos a nuestros clientes a completar el formulario D’VIAJEROS.
  • País de residencia permanente es donde pagas tus impuestos. Es decir, si te has ido a estudiar o a vivir fuera de forma temporal, ese NO es tu país de residencia.

Por último, y para ahorrar tiempo, generalmente recomendamos no rellenar los datos opcionales: segundo nombre, correo o teléfono.

3.2 Información Migratoria

Esta sección recopila datos sobre tu llegada a Cuba. Los datos que debes rellenar obligatoriamente son:

  • Fecha de llegada
  • Número de vuelo
  • Aerolínea
  • Punto de entrada a Cuba 
  • País de origen del viajero
  • Motivo del viaje
Los campos que ocasionan más dudas son:
  • Fecha de llegada: los viajeros observarán que el desplegable sólo permitirá seleccionar uno de los 3 próximos días. Este requisito es bastante engorroso ya que el viajero debe acordarse de rellenar este formulario 3 días antes de viajar. Por eso, en EasyTouristCard, ofrecemos a todos los clientes que tramitan la Cuba eVisa con nosotros, rellenar el formulario D’VIAJEROS en su nombre. Nuestro sistema automatizado, permite realizar esta tarea tediosa de forma rápida y eficaz, evitando olvidos de última hora.
  • País de origen del viajero: se debe seleccionar el punto de partida del viaje, no la nacionalidad del viajero. Es decir un pasajero Aleman viajando a Cuba desde España, deberá seleccionar España.
  • Motivo del viaje: el desplegable nos da 5 opciones: residencia en Cuba, trabajo, transbordo, tránsito, turismo, visita. El único motivo que permite una entrada con eVisa es turismo. Al seleccionar este motivo, se habilitará una nueva casilla en el formulario para introducir el número de Visa Electrónica. Si todavía no tiene su número de visa electrónica, consigalo a través nuestro de forma rápida y sencilla aquí.
3.3 Información Sanitaria

Esta sección, inicialmente destinada a gestionar la crisis sanitaria ocasionada por la COVID 19, se utiliza actualmente para especificar los datos de alojamiento durante la estancia en Cuba. Los únicos datos obligatorios de esta sección son:

  • Lugar de alojamiento (hotel, residencia o casa privada)
  • Dirección de la casa o residencia, o nombre del hotel
  • Provincia del alojamiento

 Al no ser obligatorios el resto de datos, recomendamos no rellenarlos para agilizar el trámite. Actualmente no se requiere ningún tipo de prueba sanitaria para entrar en Cuba. No obstante, los viajeros que deseen hacerlo, pueden completar estos datos del formulario.

3.4 Información de Aduanas

La última sección del formulario D’VIAJEROS es la información de Aduanas. Aquí se te preguntará si llevas equipaje no acompañado o si tienes algo que declarar en aduana. La mayoría de los viajeros responde “No” en esta sección. El resto de datos son opcionales y la mayoría de viajeros no los completa para agilizar el proceso.

4. Finalizar y Descargar el formulario

En el último paso, deberás enviar el formulario, lo que te llevará a una pantalla de confirmación como la siguiente:


Recomendamos apuntar el código privado, ya que es necesario para editar el formulario tantas veces como sea necesario en el futuro. Este es un buen momento para descargar el PDF y guardarlo en un dispositivo móvil o imprimirlo. El PDF contiene un código QR que deberás presentar a la aerolínea para embarcar y durante el proceso migratorio a la entrada de Cuba.

Your Key to


Traveling from a NON-US airport? You’re in! Explore Cuba for up to 90 days within 180 days of issuance.

Traveling to Cuba: Everything You Need to Know About the D’VIAJEROS Card for Cuba

Traveling to Cuba: Everything You Need to Know About the D’VIAJEROS Card for Cuba


If you’re planning to visit Cuba, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with D’VIAJEROS, the official platform established by the Republic of Cuba to streamline the entry process into the country. 

This system not only centralizes traveler information but also simplifies the necessary procedures with immigration, health, and customs services.



D’VIAJEROS is an online platform that allows travelers entering Cuba to complete a form with their personal, immigration, and health information. 

Although it was originally implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Cuba D’VIAJEROS travel form has evolved into a critical requirement for all visitors to the island.

Why is Completing D'VIAJEROS Important?

This form is mandatory Cuban government’s form and must be completed within 7 days before your arrival in Cuba. 

Once completed, a QR code will be generated, which you must present to your airline and to Cuban authorities upon entering the country. 

Starting June 2024, if your nationality allows for the Cuba eVisa, you will also need to include the eVisa code in the D’VIAJEROS form to ensure that the eVisa is correctly linked to your passport, enabling your entry into the country.


Pre-Completion Tips for D'VIAJEROS

  • Plan Out Your Time: Completing the form typically takes between 15 and 30 minutes if you have all the necessary information ready. The form will require your passport details, flight information, and accommodation details, among other things. We recommend setting aside 30 minutes to complete the form without interruptions.
  • Modifications are Allowed: You can modify the form as many times as needed using your passport number and the code generated upon completing the form.
  • No Need if Your Traveling by Cruise or Boat: Currently, D’VIAJEROS is not applicable for travelers arriving by cruise or boat, as flight information is required to complete the form. You will need to fill out immigration forms upon arrival in Cuba.

Cuba Pink

Tourist Card

For US nationals or those departing from a US airport. Explore Cuba for up to 90 days within 180 days of issuance

How to Complete D'VIAJEROS: Step by Step

The process of completing the D’VIAJEROS form is straightforward, but it requires attention to detail. Here are our recommendations on how to fill out the various sections of the form:

1. Access the Platform:

To start, access the D’VIAJEROS platform with an internet connection and through this link. 

We recommend having your passport information, flight information, and accommodation details in Cuba on hand before starting the form, as this will expedite the process. In the upper right corner, you can set the language to English

2. Creating or Editing a Form:
  • First time:If this is your first time using D’VIAJEROS, select “Form Request.”
  • Editing an existing form: If you have already completed the form but need to make changes, select “Edit Form”. You can modify the form as many times as necessary, even after the original travel date, as long as you haven’t used the QR code to enter Cuba. The system will ask for your form number and passport number to retrieve the data entered, so remember to note down the form number that will appear upon completing the process.
3. Sections of the D'VIAJEROS Form:

The form is divided into four main sections:

3.1 Traveler's General Information:

This section requires a series of fields that are marked mandatory, including:

  • Name
  • Surname
  • Date of Birth
  • Gender
  • Country of Birth
  • Passport Issuing Country
  • Passport Number
  • Permanent Residence Country
3.1 Traveler's General Information:

To save time, we generally recommend not filling out optional fields such as middle name, email, or phone number.

Fields that may cause confusion:
  • Passport Issuing Country: This is the country where you obtained your passport. It is usually the same as your country of residence, although you may have obtained the passport in another country for specific reasons. If in doubt, EasyTouristCard can assist our clients in completing the D’VIAJEROS form.
  • Permanent Residence Country: This is where you pay your taxes. If you are temporarily studying or living abroad, that is NOT your country of residence.
3.2 Migratory Information:

This section gathers details about your arrival in Cuba. The mandatory fields to complete are:

Migratory Information:
  • Arrival Date
  • Flight Number
  • Airline
  • Point of Entry into Cuba
  • Traveler’s Country of Origin
  • Purpose of Travel

This section gathers details about your arrival in Cuba. The mandatory fields to complete are:

Fields that often cause confusion:
  • Arrival Date: Travelers will notice that the drop-down menu only allows the selection of one of the next three calendar days. This requirement can be inconvenient as the traveler must remember to fill out this form three days before traveling. That’s why at EasyTouristCard, we offer all clients who process their Cuba eVisa with us the option to complete the D’VIAJEROS form on their behalf. Our automated system makes this tedious task quick and efficient, avoiding last-minute stress.
  • Traveler’s Country of Origin: This refers to the point of departure, not the traveler’s nationality. For example, a German passenger traveling to Cuba from the USA must select USA.
Purpose of Travel:
  • Purpose of Travel: The drop-down menu offers five options: residence in Cuba, tourism, transhipment, transit, visit, or work. US citizens must travel to Cuba under one of the 12 OFAC categories approved by the US Government Department of State. However, when completing the D’VIAJEROS form, they should select “Tourism.” This option allows them to enter their eVisa code into the system. If you don’t have your electronic visa number yet, you can obtain it quickly and easily through us here.
3.3 Sanitary Information: :

This section, initially intended to manage the health crisis caused by COVID-19, is now used to specify accommodation details during your stay in Cuba. The only mandatory fields in this section are:

  • Accommodation (hotel, residence, or private house)
  • Address of the house or residence, or hotel name
  • Province of accommodation

Since the rest of the fields are not mandatory, we recommend not filling them out to speed up the process. Currently, no health tests are required to enter Cuba. However, travelers who wish to do so can complete these fields in the form.

Sanitary Information:
3.4 Customs Information:

The final section of the D’VIAJEROS form pertains to customs information.

You will be asked if you are carrying unaccompanied luggage or if you have anything to declare at customs. Most travelers answer “No” in these two fields. All remaining questions are optional, and most travelers leave them blank to speed up the process.

Customs Information:
Finalizing and Confirming:
4. Finalizing and Confirming:

In the next step, you will submit the form, leading to a confirmation screen. We recommend noting down the private code, as it is necessary to edit the form as many times as needed.

Form Completed

This is also a good time to download the PDF and save it on a mobile device or print it. The PDF contains a QR code that you will need to present to the airline to board and upon entry to the country.

If, for any reason, you do not travel to Cuba, you can edit this form later and use your eVisa for a future entry.

Your Key to


Traveling from a NON-US airport? You’re in! Explore Cuba for up to 90 days within 180 days of issuance.

“Can I Buy Cuban Visa Online?” and Your Other Questions: Answered!

"Can I Buy Cuban Visa Online?" and Your Other Questions: Answered!


Traveling to Cuba is an exciting adventure, but it requires proper preparation, including obtaining the necessary travel documents.

Recent updates to the Cuban visa application process have introduced new options and streamlined the application process, but you’ll want to make sure you’re applying for the correct items before you depart.


With the introduction of the eVisa, travelers to Cuba can now apply for their visas online, making the process more convenient and efficient than ever before.

Not only that, but knowing the specific requirements and costs associated with obtaining a Cuban visa can help you avoid any last-minute surprises and ensure that your trip goes off without a hitch.

Let’s answer some of the most common questions about travel to this Caribbean island and make sure you’re well prepared long before your departure day.

Can I Buy a Cuban Visa Online?

For most travelers to Cuba, the Cuban government allows the Cuban visa to be available through an online application.

The introduction of the eVisa has made it easier than ever to obtain a visa for Cuba.

At Easy Tourist Card, we are experts in all things Cuba. As a trusted Cuba visa service, we offer a straightforward process for purchasing your Cuban visa online.

Here are the steps to will want to follow:
  • Find Internet Access: From a secure computer, go to our website: www.easytouristcard.com
  • Fill Out the Online Application Form: Provide the necessary information, which is your name, email and nationality. If you are ordering more than one visa, you only need the first traveler details, since the eVisa code will be sent to the original applicant. 
  • Make Payment: Pay the appropriate fee using the site’s secure payment method.
  • Receive Your Visa: If you applied for an eVisa, you will receive as many visa codes as you ordered. 
  • Fill out DVIAJEROS form: Within 3 days of departure date you need to fill out your DVIAJEROS form. At Easy Tourist Card, we offer complimentary DVIAJEROS form filing for customers.
Please Note: IF you do not complete the D’VIAJEROS form you will not be able to enter Cuba.

Your Key to


Traveling from a NON-US airport? You’re in! Explore Cuba for up to 90 days within 180 days of issuance.

How Can I Get a Cuba Visa?


Despite the recent changes, there are still some different ways for international travelers to get a Cuban tourist visa, depending on their nationality.

The Embassy Visa:

Citizens of a handful of countries (around 20) will not be able to apply for their Cuba visa online.

These individuals will still need to go to a Cuban embassy or Cuban consulate in order to receive their travel documentation.

As of now, the countries that are required to obtain an embassy visa are as follows:

Make sure you check with your local Cuban embassy to determine your eligibility requirements and whether you have the correct documentation before you set off for your visa. Rules can often change when it comes to international travel and it’s always a good idea to be overly prepared instead of surprised.

Online Services:

There are two options to get the eVisa online:

1) Through EasyTouristCard – we offer convenient forms and payment methods, the fastest turnaround, and piece of mind helping completing DVIAJEROS.

2) Through the Cuban embassy – they have cumbersome forms, offline payment methods (money orders, checks, wire transfers), lengthy processes and no help with DVIAJEROS

Filling out the online application at Easy Tourist Card is straightforward and fast, as well as being a safe way to process and receive your documents.

How Much Does a Cuban Visa Cost?

At Easy Tourist Card, the cost of a Cuban visa can vary depending on the method of application, whether or not you need your documents expedited, and what you are applying for.

For standard service (72 hours): $50

For US citizens standard service (72 hours): $65

For rush service (12 hours): $80

For US citizens rush service (12 hours): $95


How Many Times Can I Enter Cuba with my eVisa?

Cuba visa requirements state that you can only enter the country one time per entry visa.

That said, the visa is good for up to 90 days and can be renewed for another 90 days once you are in the country.

Cuba Pink

Tourist Card

For US nationals or those departing from a US airport. Explore Cuba for up to 90 days within 180 days of issuance

How Quick Can I Get an eVisa for Cuba?

At Easy Tourist Card, we offer standard service in 72 hours and rush service in 12 hours.

If you are applying for an eVisa, you will get your eVisa code via email within 24/72 hours of your application being received. For those in the USA, services like Cuba visa online USA can make this process even more efficient and hassle-free.

What is a D’Viajeros Form?


In addition to the correct Cuba visa, all persons wanting to enter the country will need to apply for D’Viajeros.

The D’Viajeros (which means “for travelers” in Spanish) is a mandatory form that needs to be filled before arriving in Cuba. This form will contain information about your arrival flight, your destination address in Cuba, and your passport details. Once the form is completed, your eVisa is then officially linked to your passport. The DViajeros form then generates a PDF with a QR code that travelers can use to enter Cuba.

When You're Ready for Cuba, Reach Out to Easy Tourist Card

Obtaining a Cuban visa has become more convenient with the introduction of the eVisa, and Easy Tourist Card wants to make sure it stays that way!

Easy Tourist Card has long been a name synonymous with ease-of-travel to Cuba and we will continue to live up to what our name implies.

Our site offers a reliable and efficient way to purchase your Cuban visa online and will continue to provide you with the most up-to-date information available before you are Cuban-bound.

Plan your trip to Cuba with confidence, knowing you have the necessary visa information and support.

For a hassle-free experience, trust Easy Tourist Card to handle your visa needs and elevate your travel planning today! For additional information, you can access the Cuba visa online application form to complete your application with ease.


Cuba Green Tourist Card

For US nationals or those departing from a US airport. Explore Cuba for up to 90 days within 180 days of issuance

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Apply for Cuban Visa Online UPDATED for 2024

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Apply for Cuban Visa Online UPDATED for 2024


We all know that rules and requirements can change, particularly when it comes to foreign travel.

And traveling to the country of Cuba is no exception to this.


Staying informed about the latest travel regulations is always important when you travel to a foreign country.

Cuba is a place where things change often and quickly, which is part of the appeal of this Caribbean country.

But it also means that you must stay updated and know the latest steps that need to be taken in order to enter the country hassle-free.

Traveling to Cuba has always required careful preparation, and the last half of 2024 brings some significant updates to the visa process that travelers need to be aware of.

The New eVisa Replaces the Green Tourist Card

Up until August of this year, most people who entered Cuba did so with either a Pink Tourist Card or a Green Tourist Card.

What Has Changed?

The Green Tourist Card was a document intended for citizens of Canada, Australia, Europe, and most of Latin America. The Green Tourist Card was usually obtained online or at airports before departure.

As of late 2024, anyone who had previously entered Cuba with a Green Tourist Card or Pink Tourist Card will now be required to instead apply for the Cuban eVisa.

The eVisa has replaced the Cuban Tourist Card.


What Has Stayed the Same?

Though the Cuba eVisa is now the preferred travel document by the Cuban government for entry in Cuba, the Tourist Card can still be used until the end of 2024.

The Cuban Tourist Card must be applied for in adtvance and will be mailed to the applicant.

The Importance of Understanding These Changes

Understanding these new visa requirements is essential to avoid travel disruptions for anyone who is attempting to enter Cuba.

Thanks to the ease of the eVisa, the only difference now in documentation is the price.

For US citizens, the price is $65. For all others it will be $50.

Travelers should stay informed about these changes and prepare their documentation accordingly. By doing so, they can focus on enjoying their trip to Cuba without worrying about visa-related issues.

Step-By-Step: How to Apply for Your Cuban Visa

Depending on what type of visa you need, the application process will vary.

Let’s look at the different ways to apply for the necessary documentation to enter the country.

Applying for an Embassy Visa

As mentioned earlier, not everyone will enter Cuba with a Tourist Card or eVisa.

People from the following countries will need to apply for an Embassy Visa before they visit Cuba:

If you are a native of one of the above countries, you’ll need to contact your local Cuban embassy or Cuban consulate to determine the steps you need to take to apply for a visa. Make sure you do this well in advance of your travels so as not to encounter any delays.

Note: Those who are Cuban citizens or Cubans living abroad won’t need a Cuban visa to enter or exit the country. Of course, the Cuban government does require them to travel with a valid passport.

Applying for the eVisa

Applying for the eVisa can be done through the Cuban embassy website online or at our website: www.easytouristcard.com

All eVisa applications will be processed within 3 business days, but it’s always a good idea to complete your application as soon as possible to avoid delays.

With any sort of Cuban visa application, know that the visa is valid from the moment it's issued.

Once you enter the country, you’ll have 90 days before it expires. If you need or wish to stay longer, you can apply for an extension for another 90 days.

All eVisas can be extended for an extra 90 days while you are in Cuba. You’ll need to visit an immigration office to do this.

Your Key to


Traveling from a NON-US airport? You’re in! Explore Cuba for up to 90 days within 180 days of issuance.

Countdown to Cuba: A Checklist for Before You Go

Traveling is exciting, but often requires some extensive preparation. Having a timeline and/or a checklist to help you stay on task can often alleviate much of your travel stress and help you stay organized.

Here is a breakdown of things you'll want to consider before you begin your trip to Cuba:

  • Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your stay.
  • Obtain a completed tourist card or eVisa (whichever currently applies to you.)
  • Fill out D’VIAJEROS form 3 days before your departure date.
  • Bring proof of medical insurance (or buy it from an online site.)
Financial Preparation:
  • Bring enough cash (preferably in euros or Canadian dollars).
  • Be aware of the 10% exchange fee for US dollars.
  • Understand that US debit cards do not work in Cuba and US credit cards are rarely accepted.
Health and Safety
  • Check for any required vaccinations.
  • Keep a list of important contacts, including local emergency numbers.
  • Consider buying a local SIM card for better internet connectivity.
  • Be prepared for slow and expensive Wi-Fi in hotels and public areas.
Packing Essentials
  • Pack light, breathable clothing suitable for a tropical climate.
  • Bring all necessary toiletries.
  • Ensure you have enough prescription medications for the duration of your stay.
Cultural Preparation
  • Learn a few basic Spanish phrases.
  • Familiarize yourself with local customs and etiquette.
Final Checks
  • Confirm all bookings (flights, accommodations, tours, activities).
  • Fill in your DViajeros official Cuban form before entering the country.
  • Prepare to have fun!

Easy Tourist Card: Your One-Stop-Shop for Everything Cuba

When you are looking for convenience and reliability for all your Cuban travel needs, Easy Tourist Card is your go-to solution.

Our expert team ensures that your Cuban Tourist Card and/or eVisas are processed swiftly and accurately through our secure, online portal.

We deliver via email. Customers can get their eVisa in 12 or 72 hours depending on what they need and what they pay for. 

By choosing Easy Tourist Card, you gain a clear understanding of the necessary steps and a trusted partner who handles your documentation with precision and care. For additional guidance, you can refer to our Cuba visa online application form to ensure you have all the necessary information before you begin. When you’re ready to travel, don’t forget that you can conveniently buy Cuban visa online to streamline your preparation process.


Cuba Green Tourist Card

For US nationals or those departing from a US airport. Explore Cuba for up to 90 days within 180 days of issuance

Online Visa for Cuba: New Rules for 2024

Online Visa for Cuba: New Rules for 2024


Traveling to a country as complex as Cuba can be a fantastic experience.

That said, the journey to get there may be more complicated than you planned.


While traveling with a visa has long been the standard for entering Cuba, there are new rules around what type of document you need, how you can get it, and who needs which kind.

Let’s sort out the details of the entry process to make sure you’re fully prepared for this trip of a lifetime.

Unless you are a Cuban citizen, there’s a good chance you need some sort of travel documentation to enter the country.

The Cuban government has strict requirements around this rule.

Along with a valid passport, most people will need to apply for a Cuban visa before they begin their travels.

While there are a handful of countries that will need to apply for an embassy visa through a Cuba embassy or Cuban consulate, most individuals will instead apply for a Cuba visa online.

There are two different types that are available online: the Cuban eVisa and the Pink Tourist Card.

The Cuban eVisa

Up until recently, anyone from Canada, Australia, Europe, or most of Latin America who wanted to travel to Cuba would have applied for a Green Tourist Card.

As of August 2024, this is no longer the case.

Instead, those eligible for the Green Tourist Card will now be able to apply for the eVisa, a travel document that's available exclusively online.

Through sites like Easy Tourist Card, the eVisa can be applied for from your computer. These will be processed in 3 days, but can be done in one day if needed.

The Pink Tourist Visa

While the eVisa has now become the standard entry document for most people, the Pink Tourist Visa still remains for others.

If you are an American citizen or are traveling from U.S. soil, you will still need to apply for the Pink Tourist Card before you can enter Cuba.

The Pink Tourist Card can be applied for here and will be mailed directly to you, unlike the eVisa which will be sent via email.

So remember: if you are a United States citizen or a person who is traveling to Cuba from the United States, you must still apply for the Pink Tourist Card as of now.


The Relationship Between the U.S. and Cuba


The relationship between Cuba and the United States has been a historically complicated one and the visa application process still reflects that.

While Americans are not permitted to travel to Cuba for tourism purposes, they can travel with a Pink Cuba Tourist Card under one of the 12 OFAC guidelines.

The OFAC (the Office of Foreign Assets Control), is a division of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. This department is responsible for implementing and enforcing economic and trade sanctions in alignment with U.S. foreign policy and national security objectives.

When it comes to Cuba, the OFAC has outlined 12 reasons why Americans can travel to Cuba. These areas include:

  • Support for the Cuban People: Participating in activities that improve the lives of the Cuban people, bolster civil society, and encourage independent initiatives.
  • Humanitarian Projects: Engaging in projects that directly benefit the Cuban people, such as medical and environmental efforts.
  • Educational Activities: Taking part in educational programs or activities that involve interaction with the Cuban people.
  • Journalistic Activity: Traveling for journalistic purposes and activities that support news reporting.
  • Family Visits: Visiting close relatives in Cuba.
  • Official Government Business: Traveling for official purposes related to the U.S. government, foreign governments, or intergovernmental organizations.
  • Professional Research and Meetings: Traveling for research purposes or to attend professional meetings.
  • Religious Activities: Traveling for religious purposes, including attending services or participating in missionary work.
  • Public Performances and Competitions: Taking part in public performances, sports competitions, or similar events.
  • Activities of Private Foundations or Institutes: Participating in activities organized by private foundations, research, or educational institutes.
  • Exportation, Importation, or Transmission of Information: Traveling for purposes related to the export, import, or transmission of information or informational materials.
  • Certain Export Transactions under Department of Commerce Regulations: Traveling for specific transactions authorized under existing Department of Commerce guidelines.

For most Americans, it’s suggested that they travel to Cuba under the “Support for the Cuban People” guideline, as it aligns best with most leisure travel. Keeping tax receipts from items purchased in the country will prove the support.

Cuba Pink

Tourist Card

For US nationals or those departing from a US airport. Explore Cuba for up to 90 days within 180 days of issuance

Being Prepared: Why Travel Insurance is a Must

Having travel insurance with medical coverage is mandatory for visitors to Cuba.

Upon arrival, authorities may conduct spot checks to ensure you have sufficient travel insurance for your stay, including coverage for any potential medical treatment.

If you cannot provide proof of insurance upon entry, you may be denied entry or required to purchase a policy from the state’s tourist assistance company.

At Easy Tourist Card, we offer Cuban travel insurance through our partner, IATI, which you can select during checkout.

You may also choose to purchase comprehensive travel insurance in advance or check to see if you are already covered through your current health insurance.

You’ll want to be able to show that your insurance covers emergency medical treatment, evacuation, and repatriation in case of a medical crisis. Be sure to carry a printed copy of your insurance certificate in your hand luggage.


Travel Is Easy With Easy Tourist Card


Traveling to Cuba is an exciting adventure, but obtaining your visa can sometimes feel overwhelming.

This is where Easy Tourist Card comes in.

With Easy Tourist Card, the visa application is streamlined and straightforward, ensuring you can focus on planning your trip and not worry about the documents you need to get there. For more details on the application process, visit our Cuba visa online application to get started easily.

Whether you’re an American citizen who needs a pink tourist card, or a citizen from a country that requires an eVisa, Easy Tourist Card is here to make your journey as smooth as possible.

Here is where Easy Tourist Card can help you obtain your Cuban Tourist Card or Cuba visa online:

  1. Log on to our site and determine if you will be applying for a Pink Tourist Card or an eVisa.
  2. Fill out the necessary information.
  3. Decide if you need to purchase health insurance at checkout.
  4. Pay for your documents through our secure, online payment portal.
  5. Expect to receive your Pink Tourist Visa by mail or your eVisa by email within a few days. (You can get it in one business day if needed.)
  6. Sit back, relax, and prepare for your trip to Cuba!

At Easy Tourist Card, we stay up-to-date on all the latest information about Cuba and the traveling process. Not only that, we are the authorized dealer of tourist cards and eVisa for Cuba.

When Cuba is calling you, Easy Tourist Card is ready to help you get there.

Reach out to us today to start your visa application process.

Your Key to


Traveling from a NON-US airport? You’re in! Explore Cuba for up to 90 days within 180 days of issuance.

Top Tips for Smooth Travel: How to Apply for a Cuba Visa Online

Top Tips for Smooth Travel: How to Apply for a Cuba Visa Online


International travel is on the top of most people’s bucket lists, but preparing for it usually is not.

From obtaining the right documents to sorting out directions from one spot to the next, preparing for a trip can be tedious and time-consuming.

But if you’re planning a trip to Cuba, travel planning just got much easier with the introduction of the new Cuba eVisa.


Cuba is a country full of history and charm but hasn’t always been the easiest place to visit.

Today, however, the Cuban government is working to change that.

Read on to discover how.

Know Before You Go: Sorting Out the Visa Process

Depending on where you live and your nationality, the type of visa you need for Cuba will vary.

While Cuban citizens will never need a visa to enter or exit the country, most other nationalities will need some sort of visa in order to make it through customs.

Cuban Tourist Card


Until recently, most people who wanted to visit Cuba would need to apply for a Cuba Tourist Card.

Cuban tourist cards came in two colors — green and pink — and could usually be obtained at the airport, through a travel agency, or online visa for Cuba.

The Green Tourist Card (Now Known as the eVisa)

The Cuban government has shifted away from using the Green Tourist Card and now anyone who was eligible for the Green Tourist Card can obtain a Cuban eVisa instead.

Citizens from Canada, Australia, Europe, and most Latin American countries are eligible for the eVisa application.

As the name implies, these visas can be obtained from online sites. Most can be processed quite quickly and are valid from the moment you receive them. 

They are then linked electronically linked to your passport, so no physical document is ever required.

The Pink Tourist Card

For American citizens — or anyone traveling from America — the Pink Tourist Card is still the document you’ll need to obtain in order to visit Cuba.

American citizens and those starting their travel on U.S. soil can not apply for an eVisa as of now.

While these are the current regulations for travel documentation to Cuba, these rules are still subject to change. You may want to contact your local embassy or check back here to stay up-to-date on any changes in the visa application rules.

The Embassy Visa

An embassy visa is available at a Cuban embassy or Cuban consulate. These can not be applied for online or at the airport.

If you are from any of the following countries, you'll need to apply for an embassy visa by using a Cuba visa application form:

Before going to the Cuban embassy, it’s a good idea to check and make sure you have all your necessary documents beforehand. You’ll also want to make sure you fill out the Cuban visa online application form well in advance of your trip to avoid any delays in your departure.

Cuba Pink

Tourist Card

For US nationals or those departing from a US airport. Explore Cuba for up to 90 days within 180 days of issuance

Planning Ahead: Other Needed Documents for Cuban Travel


Not only will most people need some sort of visa to travel to Cuba, but there are other requirements as well.

These typically include the following:

DViajeros Form:

This is a mandatory form that travelers need to fill out 3 days before arriving to Cuba. This form has information about your arrival flight, your destination address in Cuba and passport details. Once the form is completed, your eVisa is then officially linked to your passport. The DViajeros form then generates a PDF with a QR code that travelers can use to enter Cuba.

Your Original Passport:

You’ll need to have a valid passport to enter the country of Cuba. This will need to be your original (no photocopies) and still have 6 months of validity from the date of your travel. A damaged passport may not be accepted, so take care to ensure it’s in good shape before you begin your journey.

Health Insurance:

Travelers may be asked to present an insurance policy or certificate valid for their stay in Cuba. The plan should cover medical evacuation by air, medical emergencies, and repatriation.

Return Air Ticket and Proof of Funds:

You’ll need to make sure you’ve already booked your return airline ticket and have proof of it when you arrive in Cuba. You may also be asked to show that you have sufficient funds while there. For this reason, it’s a good idea to travel with a copy of a bank statement that can prove this.

Confirmed Accommodation:

You need to have your accommodation booked, whether it’s a hotel or private lodging like a guesthouse (Casa Particular). Note that we are not responsible for any issues arising from staying in unlicensed accommodations.

Your Key to


Traveling from a NON-US airport? You’re in! Explore Cuba for up to 90 days within 180 days of issuance.

Leave It Behind: Items NOT to Bring on Your Cuban Adventure

Beyond just the Tourist Card application, reputable online sites like Easy Tourist Card can be incredibly valuable resources for travelers who are When you pack for Cuba, you’ll want to make sure certain things don’t come along on your journey.for more information on what they need before they can enter Cuba.

By leveraging these resources, you can make your travel preparations more efficient and less stressful, allowing you to focus on enjoying your trip to Cuba.


Cuba is a relatively traditional place and you’ll want to be cognizant of being respectful in the way you present yourself. You may also face consequences if you take certain items with you.

It probably seems obvious that you can’t travel to Cuba with explosives, firearms, and drugs (or drug paraphernalia) Other items, like certain types of explicit literature, obscene objects, or anything offensive towards the Cuban government are also banned.

If you attempt to bring prohibited items into the country, your items will be seized, and you may face consequences like jail time or deportation.

Always check with your local Cuban embassy if you are worried you may be transporting something to Cuba that isn’t allowed.

Easy Tourist Card: Simplifying Your Travel to Cuba

Navigating Cuba’s visa requirements and regulations can be challenging unless you have a partner like Easy Tourist Card to guide you.

Whether you need a Pink Tourist Card or an online eVisa, our user-friendly online platform, offers comprehensive support and guidance, serving as a one-stop solution for all your Cuban travel needs.


Whether you’re a first-time traveler or a seasoned explorer, we are dedicated to making your Cuban adventure hassle-free by ensuring all requirements for your specific situation are met.

We process eVisas in as fast as 1 business day, since we can deliver it online. Pink Tourist cards take 1-5 business days and are shipped via UPS.

We also process the DViajeros form for you so you don’t have to worry about a thing.

With Easy Tourist Card, you can leave behind the complexities of visa applications and regulations and embrace your Cuban journey with confidence.

Start your Cuban adventure with Easy Tourist Card – your trusted travel companion for an unforgettable experience.

Cuba Green Tourist Card

For US nationals or those departing from a US airport. Explore Cuba for up to 90 days within 180 days of issuance

They Say I Need a Tourist Visa: Cuba Online Applications are the Way to Go

They Say I Need a Tourist Visa: Cuba Online Applications are the Way to Go


If you’re in the process of planning a trip to Cuba, you may have been told that applying for your Cuban visa online is the way to go.

But is it effective?

Is it safe?

And is it a legitimate way to go?


Cuba is an amazing travel destination, but getting there can take some planning, preparation, and research.

From knowing what type of visa you need to understanding the other types of documents and arrangements you must have, you need a reputable source to help answer your questions accurately and help make your planning a breeze.

Let us help get you there.

Cuba Tourist Card: What It Is and Who Needs It

A Cuban Tourist Card, also known as a Cuban Tourist Visa or Cuban Travel Card, is a document required by the Cuban government for most travelers visiting Cuba for tourism purposes.

(Some visitors will need a Cuba visa, which can not be obtained online. Click here to see a list of countries that will need to visit an embassy to obtain a Cuba visa.)

It’s also important to note that Cuban citizens and Cubans living abroad who still maintain Cuban citizenship won’t need a visa to enter the country.

Does a Cuban Tourist Card Differ from Traditional Visas?

While the terms “Cuban Tourist Card” and “Cuban Tourist Visa” are often used interchangeably, there are distinct differences between a tourist card and a traditional visa.


The Cuba Tourist Card

A Cuban Tourist Card can be obtained relatively easily online, or through some airlines and travel agencies.

Most countries — including Europe, North America, South America, and Central America — can travel to Cuba if they have a valid passport and fill out the Cuba Tourist Card application.

That said, there are two different types of Cuba Tourist Cards, and you’ll need to know the difference before you apply.

Please Note: As in the past, those citizens from certain countries will still need to apply for a regular visa in order to enter Cuba. Please refer to our website for a detailed list of countries who currently need a standard visa to visit Cuba.

Green Tourist Card vs. Pink Tourist Card: Which One is For Me?

The Cuban Tourist Card comes in two colors and two specific sets of rules surrounding them.

Which one you need is dependent on your nationality and your travel point of departure.

The Green Tourist Card:

Who Needs It: Non-United States citizens flying to Cuba from any country other than the United States.

Validity: Typically valid for a single entry for 90 days, with the possibility of a one-time extension for another 90 days once you’re in the country.

The Pink Tourist Card:

Who Needs It: All Americans, as well as any traveler flying to Cuba directly from the United States, regardless of their nationality.

Validity: Same as the green card, typically valid for 90 days with a possible extension for another 90 days as well.

While the Pink Tourist Card is slightly more expensive than the Green Tourist Card, both are readily available online and can be delivered fairly quickly, particularly if you choose to work with an online processing site like Easy Tourist Card.

Cuba Green Tourist Card

For US nationals or those departing from a US airport. Explore Cuba for up to 90 days within 180 days of issuance

Why Apply Online? Reasons the Online Tourist Card Process is Easier

Applying for a Cuban Tourist Card online offers unparalleled convenience, making the process smooth and hassle-free.

Applying Online Allows for the Comfort of Home:

When you apply online for your Cuba Tourist Card there is no need to disrupt your schedule or even leave your home.

Simply fill out the form online and wait for your Tourist Card to be delivered straight to your door!

Applying Online Allows You to Avoid Long Lines:

By applying online, you will eliminate the need to visit a Cuban consulate or embassy or wait in long lines at the airport.

This means that an online visa application form allows you to allocate your time differently and spares you the stress of dealing with crowded places.

Applying Online Allows You to Avoid Long Lines:

The online application process is designed to not only be hassle-free but user-friendly as well.

With just a few clicks, anyone who is eligible for the Cuba Tourist Card can complete the application form online, making it a quick and straightforward process.

"Online" Equals Easy Access to Information and Support

Beyond just the Tourist Card application, reputable online sites like Easy Tourist Card can be incredibly valuable resources for travelers who are looking for more information on what they need before they can enter Cuba. For instance, if you need additional details regarding visa options, check the Cuba visa online form for a comprehensive overview.

A good Tourist Card processing website is like having your own Cuba visa specialist team.

Here are some of the things that a reputable online site can offer you:

  • Detailed Information on All Things Cuba: These sites often provide comprehensive guidelines that will walk you through the entire process of obtaining a tourist card.
    They will explain the differences between the various Cuban entry documents and go into greater detail as to who needs which one.
  • FAQs Lists: Many reputable sites have extensive Frequently Asked Questions sections that address other concerns you may have.
    A good FAQs list can save you time and reduce confusion by providing clear answers to everything from how long a Cuba visa is valid for, to whether or not children need a Tourist Visa.
  • Additional Travel Support: Beyond just the tourist card, good Cuban Tourist Card sites often offer information on other essential aspects of your trip. This includes guidance on how to obtain health insurance to understanding why proof of a return flight ticket might be necessary when entering Cuba.
    These sites can also help you stay updated on the latest changes from the Cuban government regarding international travel restrictions and/or regulations.
  • Customer Support: Good sites provide additional customer support via email or online chat options. This means you can get personalized assistance for any specific needs or questions you might have, ensuring a smoother and more stress-free travel experience.

By leveraging these resources, you can make your travel preparations more efficient and less stressful, allowing you to focus on enjoying your trip to Cuba.

When You're Ready to Apply Online...Apply with Easy Tourist Card

When you’re ready to embark on your Cuban adventure, make the smart choice and apply with Easy Tourist Card.

Our streamlined online process ensures that you can focus on the excitement of your trip rather than the paperwork.

Not only that, but our standard processing time is usually 1 business day. This means that our cards are delivered in less than 1 week, to almost any location worldwide.


Not only that, but our standard processing time is usually 1 business day. This means that our cards are delivered in less than 1 week, to almost any location worldwide.

Trust us to handle the details, so you can enjoy a seamless and stress-free travel experience.

With Easy Tourist Card, your journey to Cuba starts with ease and confidence.

Apply for Cuba visa online today and let us be your gateway to an unforgettable Cuban experience.

Your Key to


Traveling from a NON-US airport? You’re in! Explore Cuba for up to 90 days within 180 days of issuance.

How Do I Apply for My Cuba Visa Online? USA Rules Are Different than Others

How Do I Apply for My Cuba Visa Online? USA Rules Are Different than Others


You’re planning a trip to Cuba, but the rules seem so confusing…

As an American, you've heard that you have to apply for a certain type of tourist visa, no matter where your adventure starts from.

You’ve also heard that you must meet specific rules of travel before you can enter Cuba.

How can you determine which Cuban entry document is the right one for you?


If you are an American citizen who is planning a trip to Cuba, chances are you have a long list of questions about the visa process.

But here’s the good news…

Applying for a Cuban visa online is a straightforward process, one that you can easily master with a few pointers and the right website to guide you through the intricate details.

Let’s get started!

Navigating OFAC Requirements for Americans

The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is a part of the U.S. Department of the Treasury that administers and enforces economic and trade sanctions based on U.S. foreign policy and national security goals.

More simply put:

The OFAC ensures that American citizens don’t engage in financial or trade activities with countries, entities, or individuals that the U.S. government has sanctioned, due to concerns about national security or foreign policy.

Because of the complicated relationship that has existed between the U.S. and Cuba for years, travel regulations to this Caribbean country have frequently changed, making it essential for travelers to stay informed about the latest requirements and restrictions.

Best Regulation for Americans Traveling to Cuba

In order for a United States citizen to travel to Cuba, they will need to qualify for a “general license” under one of 12 approved categories, outlined by the OFAC:

  • Support for the Cuban People: Engaging in activities that enhance the lives of the Cuban people, support civil society, and promote independent initiatives.
  • Humanitarian Projects: Contributing to projects directly benefiting the Cuban people, including medical and environmental initiatives.
  • Educational Activities: Participating in educational programs or activities involving interaction with Cuban people.
  • Journalistic Activity: Traveling for journalistic purposes and activities supporting news reporting.
  • Family Visits: Visiting close relatives in Cuba.
  • Official Government Business: Traveling for official U.S. government, foreign government, or intergovernmental organization purposes.
  • Professional Research and Meetings: Traveling for research or attendance at professional meetings.
  • Religious Activities: Traveling for religious purposes, including attending services or engaging in missionary work.
  • Public Performances and Competitions: Participating in public performances, sports competitions, or similar events.
  • Activities of Private Foundations or Institutes: Engaging in activities organized by private foundations, research, or educational institutes.
  • Exportation, Importation, or Transmission of Information: Traveling related to the export, import, or transmission of information or informational materials.
  • Certain Export Transactions under Department of Commerce Regulations: Traveling for specific transactions authorized under existing Department of Commerce guidelines.

Most U.S. citizens traveling to Cuba will find the “Support for the Cuban People” category to be the most applicable for their visit to Cuba.

This category covers a broad range of activities aimed at enhancing the lives of the Cuban people and supporting civil society.

The Cuban Tourist Visa…Which One is Right for Americans?

The Cuban Tourist Card serves as the entry authorization for leisure travelers from a select group of countries.

Citizens from the following countries can apply for a Cuban Tourist Card:


Albania, Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Fiji, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Vatican City.

One of the biggest advantages of the Cuban Tourist Card is that there is no need to visit a Cuban embassy or Cuban consulate in order to apply for the document.

The Cuban Tourist Card is available online, making the entire process much easier than a traditional travel visa.

Not only can you apply for the Tourist Visa from the comfort of your own home, but it will be shipped directly to your personal address as well.

The Green or the Pink? Which Cuba Tourist Card Do Americans Need?

While the term “Tourist Card” might seem straightforward, Cuba’s system includes two distinct versions: the Green Tourist Card and the Pink Tourist Card.

The Pink Tourist Card:

The Pink Tourist Card: This card is specifically for travelers whose journey to Cuba starts in the United States, regardless of their nationality.

Even if you hold a passport from another country, but your trip begins in the U.S., you’ll need the Pink Tourist Card.

It’s also a requirement for American citizens, no matter where their travel originates.

NOTE: While there have been some reports of Americans entering Cuba with a Green Tourist Card (if their travel starts from outside the United States) it is strongly suggested that ALL Americans apply for the Pink Tourist Card to be on the safe side.

The Green Tourist Card:

The Green Tourist Card: This card is for everyone who is not an American citizen and who is not traveling from the United States.

If you’re starting your trip to Cuba from a country other than the United States AND you are a citizen of another country, you will apply for the Green Tourist Card.

Cuba Pink

Tourist Card

For US nationals or those departing from a US airport. Explore Cuba for up to 90 days within 180 days of issuance

The New eVisa: What It Means for You

The introduction of the eVisa in Cuba marks a significant shift in the country’s approach to international travel.

Expected to roll out in 2024, the eVisa system aims to streamline the visa application process, allowing travelers to apply for their visas online from anywhere that the internet is available.

This innovative system is designed to offer a more efficient and user-friendly experience for those wishing to visit Cuba.

What Will the eVisa Replace?

The eVisa is anticipated to replace traditional Cuban Tourist Cards, which have been a requirement for citizens from the countries listed above up until now.

With the eVisa, applicants will only have the option to apply tourist visa Cuba online, simplifying the process for both the applicants and the authorities processing the visas.

Who Will Need the eVisa?

While there is still much to learn about the eVisa process, it’s believed that this entry document will only replace the Cuba Tourist Card and not the regular visa.

For those who are required to apply for a regular Cuba visa before travel, it’s expected that this requirement will remain unchanged.

Common Visa Rules for All Travelers

Regardless of what type of entry visa you need, there are certain documents that all travelers will need unless they are Cuban citizens or hold a Cuban passport.

  • Valid Passport: Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond your intended stay in the destination country. It should have at least one or two blank pages for visa stamps.
  • Visa Application: Most citizens from foreign countries will need to obtain an entry visa, whether it’s a Tourist Card for the countries listed above.
  • Proof of Accommodation: You may need to provide evidence of where you will be staying during your visit, such as hotel reservations or an invitation letter from a host.
  • Proof of Sufficient Funds: Non-Cuban citizens may be required to show proof that they have enough financial resources to cover their stay. This can be shown through bank statements or a letter from your bank.
  • Health Insurance: Travelers will need to have valid health insurance that covers medical expenses during their stay.
  • Proof of Onward Travel: You might need to show proof of onward or return travel, such as a return flight ticket.

These requirements help ensure that travelers are prepared and can support themselves during their stay, reducing the risk of overstaying or requiring public assistance.

For All Your Cuba Questions...Easy Tourist Card is Here

Navigating your Cuban travel documents can sometimes feel daunting.

But with Easy Tourist Card, the process becomes straightforward and stress-free.


Our user-friendly online platform simplifies the Tourist Card application, allowing you to apply from anywhere in the world without the hassle of paperwork. For additional information, you can check the Cuba visa online application form. And with a standard processing time of one business day, your delivery time is less than a week.

As an authorized Cuban Tourist Card provider, we are privy to the most up-to-date documentation information available from the Cuban government.

When you’re ready to plan your travel to Cuba, Easy Tourist Card is ready to handle your documentation needs.

Contact us today to get started!

Your Key to


Traveling from a NON-US airport? You’re in! Explore Cuba for up to 90 days within 180 days of issuance.

It’s Time for Cuba: FAQs for Applying for Your Cuba Tourist Visa Online

It's Time for Cuba: FAQs for Applying for Your Cuba Tourist eVisa Online


Are you ready to embark on a Cuban adventure and the visa process?

Do the various travel requirements make you feel frustrated and worried about missing something in the planning process?

While applying for the right entry documents to Cuba can feel daunting, the process is easier than you think, with the right help to guide you through it.


While many countries have specific entry requirements based on your country of origin and/or nationality, the process to enter Cuba can feel more complex than most.

Cuba has a rich history and a vibrant culture but travel to this Caribbean island hasn’t always been easy.

That said, it will be worth it!

Let’s look at some of the most frequently asked questions about Cuban travel and make sure you are well-equipped long before your bags are packed and you set out for your next adventure.

Choices, Choices: What are the Different Entry Documents for Cuba?

While the Cuba visa process can seem confusing, it’s easiest to understand it by breaking the requirements down into three main groups: those who need a regular Cuban Visa, those who need a Cuban Tourist eVisa, and those who don’t need a Cuban visa at all to enter the country.


Cuba Tourist eVisa (and who needs one)

For citizens of certain countries, a Cuba Tourist eVisa is the document you’ll need to enter Cuba. This is a document for travelers taking short term leisure trips to Cuba.

This eVisa replaces the prvious Cuban Tourist Cards, both green and pink.The Cuban Tourist eVisa is a document that makes travel to Cuba easier for some nationalities.

Instead of having to go to a Cuban embassy or consulate, citizens from the following countries can apply for a Cuban Tourist eVisa:

Albania, Andorra, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Fiji, Finland, France, French Guiana, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Indonesia, Italy, Jamaica, Laos, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Martinique, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Morocco, Myanmar, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vatican City, Vietnam.

In addition to the Cuba Tourist eVisa, a D’VIAJEROs form is required within 7 days of entry to Cuba. This mandatory form will provide the customs agents at the border information about your travel arrangements while in Cuba, including your flight information, accommodations, and other pertinent information.

The process for obtaining a tourist eVisa is relatively straightforward, especially through reputable websites like Easy Tourist Card that offer the convenience of applying for your Cuba Tourist eVisa and processing your D’Viajeros Form.

There are two different types of Cuban Tourist Cards available and knowing which one you need is an important step before starting your application process.

The Pink Tourist Card:

The Pink Cuba Tourist Card: Tailored for U.S. citizens and travelers flying to Cuba directly from the United States, the Pink Cuba Tourist Card will be your document of choice.

Regardless of your citizenship, if your Cuban voyage begins on American territory, the Pink Tourist Card is your requisite pass. Not only that, but all Americans should apply for the Pink Tourist Card, no matter where they are traveling from.

The Green Tourist Card:

The Green Cuba Tourist Card: Designed for non-U.S. citizens journeying to Cuba, the Green Cuba Tourist Card is your essential travel companion if you are traveling from anywhere outside of the United States.

This Tourist Card is the one you will apply for if you are not an American and if you’re not traveling from United States soil.

Once you know what type of entry documentation you need, the process for obtaining a tourist card is relatively straightforward, especially through reputable websites like Easy Tourist Card which offer the convenience of applying for your Cuba Tourist Card online.

The Regular Cuban Visa

The Cuban Visa is a document required by approximately 25 nationalities to travel to Cuba.

If you are a citizen of one of these nationalities, you must visit a Cuban embassy to get this visa stamped in your passport before traveling to Cuba. A regular Cuba visa can not be applied for online.

The countries whose citizens need an Embassy Sticker Cuban Visa include:

It’s important to always check with your local Cuban embassy to make sure that the Cuban government has not added another country to the above list before you travel.

No Visa Required (Visa Exemption)

While some countries require an Embassy Sticker visa to travel to Cuba, there are also those countries whose citizens won’t need a Cuban Visa.

Currently, citizens of the following countries can travel to Cuba without applying for any sort of visa:

Along with the above countries, people with Cuban passports and/or Cuban citizens are also not required to apply for entrance documents when arriving in Cuba.

Remember that visa requirements and entry regulations can change. No matter how reputable a website is, it’s always advisable to verify the latest information before your trip.

It’s important to have all the necessary documents and understand the entry requirements well in advance of your travel plans.

Your Key to


Traveling from a NON-US airport? You’re in! Explore Cuba for up to 90 days within 180 days of issuance.

The Future for Cuba? What is the Story Behind the eVisa?

The introduction of the eVisa in Cuba marks a significant shift in the country’s approach to international travel.

While it has yet to be introduced, the eVisa system is anticipated to streamline the visa application process, allowing travelers to apply for their visas online and from any device connected to the internet.

This innovative visa management system is designed to offer a more efficient and easy-to-use system for those who wish to visit Cuba.


What will the eVisa replace?

The eVisa is expected to replace the traditional Cuba Tourist Card, which has been a requirement for tourists visiting Cuba up until now.

With the eVisa, applicants will most likely only have the option of applying online, simplifying the process for both the applicant and those who have to process it.

Who Will Need the eVisa?

While there is still much to learn about the eVisa process, it is assumed that this entry document will only replace the Cuba Tourist Card and not the regular visa.

For those who are required to apply for a regular Cuba visa before travel, it’s expected that will still be the case in the future.

There is also reason to believe that the eVisa will be introduced in phases, with US citizens being the last to have access to it. During this rollout phase, anyone who is eligible to apply for a Tourist Card will still be able to do so.

Other than an Entry Visa, What Else Do I Need to Travel to Cuba?

Navigating the entry document process for Cuba can feel like a big undertaking, but you still have a bit of work ahead of you before you can settle into your next vacation.

No matter what type of entry documentation you need to have, there are a few other items that will be required in order for you to stay in the country for the duration of your travels.

  • A Valid Passport: Your passport must be valid throughout your visit to Cuba and have at least 6 months of validity left before you travel.
  • Comprehensive Travel Insurance: Cuba requires that anyone traveling to the country (other than Cuban nationals) show proof of health insurance when they arrive. If you don’t have health insurance, or your current policy won’t cover you while in Cuba, you can apply for travel insurance on the Easy Signs website (during checkout.)
  • Proof of Return Travel: Cuban officials also want to make sure you have evidence of your return travel plans, such as a confirmed flight or ticket, before you can enter the country.
  • Proof of Return Travel: Cuban officials also want to make sure you have evidence of your return travel plans, such as a confirmed flight or ticket, before you can enter the country.
  • D’VIAJEROS Form: All travelers will need to have a valid D’VIAJEROS form completed 7 days before arrival.

These items are crucial for hassle-free entry into Cuba and staying in compliance with the nation’s immigration policies.

Remember…you’ll still want to verify the latest travel requirements before your trip, as these can change periodically.

You've Got Questions? Reach Out to Easy Tourist Card For the Answers You Need

Embarking on a journey to Cuba requires more than just packing your bags.

A journey to Cuba will require a reliable partner to help ensure your paperwork is in order and your entry to Cuba is effortless.


This is where Easy Tourist Card can stand as your trusted ally, streamlining the process of obtaining your Cuban Tourist Card with unparalleled efficiency and precision.

We offer convenience through our secure Cuban visa online platform, making the process of online application accessible from any corner of the globe.

With speed at the forefront, we dispatch orders within one business day, and our international deliveries reach customers in 3-7 days, with 95% of our shipments arriving in under a week.

Reliability is our commitment to you, and we pride ourselves on a secure and verified visa processing, tailored to your unique circumstances.

As an authorized Cuba visa reseller, we take the authenticity of our services seriously, giving you the confidence to step into Cuba with assurance.

Are you ready to start your visa application process?

Apply through Easy Tourist Card today and start your Cuban journey with the right foot forward.

Cuba Pink

Tourist Card

For US nationals or those departing from a US airport. Explore Cuba for up to 90 days within 180 days of issuance

Easy and Efficient: Why the Cuba Visa Online Application Form is Ideal

Easy and Efficient: Why the Cuba Visa Online Application Form is Ideal


Traveling to Cuba is an exciting prospect but comes with certain challenges.

From understanding what type of currency is accepted to navigating the visa application process, a fair
amount of preparation must be done before you enter Cuba.

The new Cuban eVisa simplifies the visa application


While embarking on a journey to Cuba can feel intimidating, the visa application process has never been
easier, thanks to the streamlined Cuban eVisa.

Once you know how to complete your Cuba visa application online, you will be well on your way to securing your entry into Cuba, a country rich in history, culture, and natural beauty.

What is the Cuban eVisa?

The Online Cuba Tourist Visa, also known as the Cuba Tourist Card, is a streamlined process for certain nationalities to obtain authorization to travel to Cuba. Currently, citizens of the following countries are allowed to apply online for this type of entry visa to Cuba:

Albania, Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Fiji, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Vatican City.
Cuban Tourist Cards allow travelers to apply for and receive their Cuban visas via an online platform, which is a more efficient alternative to traditional visa application methods.

There are two types of Cuba Tourist Cards:

The Pink Tourist Card:

The Pink Tourist Card is required for:

The Green Tourist Card:

The Green Tourist Card is intended for travelers who are:

Please Note: Previously, U.S. citizens were permitted to use a Green Tourist Card if they were traveling from outside the United States.

However, as of late 2023, there have been instances where U.S. citizens were denied entry into Cuba with a Green Tourist Card.

It is now advised that all American citizens opt for the Pink Tourist Card, even though there hasn’t been an official mandate.

For anyone seeking further clarification on which Tourist Card to apply for, it’s recommended to contact your local Cuban embassy or a reputable online site like Easy Tourist Card for personalized assistance.

Cuba Green Tourist Card

For US nationals or those departing from a US airport. Explore Cuba for up to 90 days within 180 days of issuance

Benefit #1 of Applying Online: It’s a Time-Saver

Applying for a Cuban eVisa online is significantly faster than the traditional in-person application process.

Benefit #2 of Applying Online: It’s Convenient

The convenience of the online application system is unmatched.

Benefit #3 of Applying Online: It’s Secure

The security of your personal information is paramount, and the online Cuban eVisa application system takes this seriously.

By applying for the visa online, you’re not only saving time and enjoying convenience, but you’re also ensuring that your application is secure and your personal information is protected.

The Cuba eVisa is a digital visa system designed to facilitate the entry of international visitors into Cuba. The eVisa fully replaces the Tourist Card and is only available online, eliminating the possibility of receiving your travel documents at an airport or through a travel agent.

Updates for 2024: The Roll Out of the Cuban eVisa

The Cuban government has suggested a new entry documentation, planned (but not yet implemented) for 2024.


The Cuba eVisa will be a digital visa system designed to facilitate the entry of international visitors into Cuba. Eventually, it is projected to fully replace the Tourist Card and only be available online, eliminating the possibility of receiving your travel documents at an airport or through a travel agent.

This electronic visa is a streamlined alternative for travelers from North America, South America, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe, aiming to simplify their journey to Cuba.

The transition to the Cuban eVisa from the traditional Cuba Tourist Card will happen in stages, with US citizens being the last to convert from the Tourist Card to the eVisa. For travelers planning their trip, obtaining a Cuba visa online USA is a practical solution, providing quick and reliable access to the necessary travel documentation.

Your Key to


Traveling from a NON-US airport? You’re in! Explore Cuba for up to 90 days within 180 days of issuance.

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